Nguyễn Lê Tiến Triển

Intern System Administrator

About Me

Hi there, I’m Trien! 👋

I’m a intern system administrator. As well as administrating systems I also have experience making software. I hope to work in a challenging and engaging environment where I can contribute my skills towards a meaningful goal.



Founder & Primary Backend Developer

Quiz management system for schools, teachers or simply want to organize a quiz test.

I started this project as a way to learn about Java and OOP. In its early days, it was just a simple CLI software without a database. With the collaboration of my friends at university, I continued to develop it into a beautiful GUI application that can be used over a LAN.

JavaFX Socket Multithreading MariaDB/MySQL Networking


Founder & Primary Developer

System administration project: Terminal User Interface (TUI) tool that automatically install and configure services on linux server using docker e.g. DNS, FTP, Web,...

The idea behind this project was to simplify and make the process of setting up and configuring network services more user-friendly. This TUI tool has made that vision a reality. Through my teacher, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge about network system administration, and by working on this project, I was able to solidify my understanding of those concepts.

Linux Server Docker Shell TUI Networking


Explorer & Developer

My Workflow Optimization: Minimal, performance-focused. Extremely fast and small without sacrificing convenience.

I started exploring the world of Linux when I first entered high school. After a period of using Windows and gaining some experience in troubleshooting and problem-solving, I decided to switch to a new home - GNU/Linux. Through my journey with multiple Linux distributions and continuous exploration, I gained a deeper understanding of many computer-related concepts, including hardware, networking, and how an operating system works. I also started learning programming and created my own development environment on Linux, which is my Dotfiles.

Administration Troubleshooting Scripting Home server

Work Experience

Information Technology Center of Saigon University

Intern Network System Administrator

October 2024 - Present

Every modern university needs its networks properly administered and Saigon University is no exception.

Linux Server Windows AD Bash/PowerShell Docker

  • Gained on the job experience with industry standard software and practices
  • Developed tools and utilities for application deployment and monitoring
  • Provide top-level technical support to university students and staff


Saigon University (SGU)

BSc Computer Engineering

2022 - Ongoing

During my time at SGU I learnt most of my key skills that have I have taken through my career such as teamwork and working to tight deadlines. I thouroughly enjoyed my time as university and learnt a lot about a healthy work life balance.


Soft Skills

Good communication and interpersonal skills. Effective time management and teamwork. Patient, sociable, friendly.

  • System Administration
    • Networking, Scripting, Monitoring, Security, Active Directory, Cloud Computing
  • Hardware
    • System Building, Maintenance, Prototyping
  • Systems
    • Debian - Redhat - Arch based Linux, Proxmox
    • Windows 10/11, Windows Server
  • Software (Backend)
    • Docker, MySQL/MariaDB, Apache, NGINX, IIS
  • Software (Other)
    • Git, Vim, Eclipse, OSS,…
  • Languages
    • C, C++, Java, GO, Python
    • Bash, Powershell, SQL

When I’m Not At My Desk

Alongside my interests in networks and software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • Cooking (really love cooking 🔥)
  • Traveling
  • Gaming
  • Linux Ricing